In AA, our experience is that none of us can recover alone, but that together we can. Below you will find information to get you connected with AA near you.
Meetings in Northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Don’t know your district?
A district is a geographical area within Area 74 (northern Wisconsin and the upper peninsula of Michigan). If you are not sure what district you are in, please check the cities page to locate your district via city.
Meeting Lists
Below you will find links to each district’s meeting page on their website or the list that was last provided to Area 74.
Keep Your Meeting Information Updated!
- Submit your meeting list updates to
- Submit your group change forms to
- If your group information has changed, please fill out a group information change form
- If you are a new group, please fill out a new group form
Meeting Guide App
Find meetings quickly from your phone.

“Someday we hope that every alcoholic who journeys will find a Fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous.”-Alcoholics Anonymous, pg.162